
Chapter 2


My fingers quivered as they wrapped around the metal bar, delicately pulling it open, hoping the hinges wouldn’t squeak and the metal wouldn’t drag along the floor. By some miracle, it swung open effortlessly. Letting out a breath ... okay so I can get out, but now what? I can’t exactly walk around the pack naked to make my escape. I looked around my 4x5 cell and even the scraps of clothes I had had been removed. Pools of wolfsbane still remain its burnt my knees and elbows as I drag myself to stand. There is barely and inch of skin left unharmed.

I take a tentative step out of my cell. It will be just my luck if there is a guard down the corridor waiting for me. My fingers still gripping the steel door for balance as I cautiously take a step out, ensuring the coast is clear. It can’t be this easy … is it a trap? If they know I have escaped will they increase my punishment? I’m halfway between my cell and the corridor, unsure what to do. My mind is cloudy as I blink, trying to make a plan. If I stay here, I’m toast, so I better make a run for it. I call on my wolf, but she doesn’t stir the wolfsbane, still taking it out of her. Ugh, the warm sticky dry blood on my back is driving me nuts, it's so uncomfortable. The wolfsbane is still invading my bloodstream.

I’m in desperate need of clothes, shoes ... anything to wear. Since I’ve never been down to this part of the castle before, there wasn’t any need, so I’m not exactly sure where anything is. I did see Kara lead her emaciated friend to the showers. Perhaps I should start there. I need to try to wash as much of the dried blood and wolfsbane out of me. My feet pad along the floor, careful not to make a sound, although as I look back there are wet bloody footprints in my wake. Shit, I need to be quick or I am going to leave them a trail to find me.

I see the open tiled showers, not holding out much hope as I turn on the dial and the water is freezing, but I don’t have time to wait for it to warm up. My body shivers as I wash my arms and legs, keeping the water off of my back for the time being. I find a small bite mark on my nipple as I glower at it, fucking Simon if I ever see that prick again … I bite down hard on my lip as the icy water hits my back. I can’t make a sound as I look down, seeing the water turn red as it washes everything away. Oh, holy hell! The pain is unbearable as I wince, gritting my teeth to stop the screams from escaping. I held my body in place by sheer will. Although every instinct was tlling me to get out of the water. Despite the agony I'm in I needed the wound to be clean with each spray of the water, the scent of wolfsbane faded until there was none at all. It would take longer to burn through my system, but at least it wasn’t lingering on my skin. Gingerly patting my shoulder, I could feel the charred flesh where it had burnt me on impact. It will heal and I should be grateful I survived.

Shutting the water off, I now scan the dark tiles for some kind of towel or cloth. Hopefully, I can find some clothes. There has to be a guard uniform or something stored down here?

In the room opposite the bathroom, I make my way over and come across a small, rusty cupboard with a dented door that had paint bubbling and chipping in the bottom corner. While testing it gently, I can feel the door hinges creak as it swings open. I can see why the paint has burnt through. At the bottom tied in string in bunches is fresh wolfsbane. Further up on the shelves, there are some rusty serrated tools clearly used for torture, if the dried blood is anything to go by. I see an assortment of whips and chains with spiked silver edges. Further up there are a few dusty cloths and what looks like an old shirt? I grab it, giving it a sniff. Its musty, sour scent irritates my nose; I do another quick scan to see if there is anything else, but I’ve already wasted too much time lingering here.

I hurriedly put on the shirt before I see another cupboard. This one is almost empty except for one scratchy towel and half drunk bottle of water and a pair of boots. I grab the water, giving it a quick sniff before I drink. It’s a little old, with a room temperature taste to it but it will do for now. I grab the boots their not my size, much bigger than my slender feet but as I tie the laces up super tight, they should help get me out of the pack without shredding my feet to pieces. Once I’m out I can shift to my wolf and make my escape. 

There is another door on the far side. Is it too much to hope for? That is a back way out of the cells? I guess I can try. The alternative is to go out the front where they will certainly be guards stationed at every post. Don’t they have cameras down here? Maybe not, or someone would have arrived by now. An uneasy feeling knots in the pit of my stomach as I try to push the feeling aside. Even if it is a trap, I have to try ... 

I’ll just test the door first if it’s locked, so be it. It opens straight away and that pit in my stomach drops further. I can’t help but feel like they want me to escape … is that why I was whipped so savagely? A set of uneven metal stairs appears before me, or maybe no one uses these, as it looks like it is about to buckle under its own weight, let alone mine. I hear voices in the distance and I guess my luck has run out … did I at least close my cell door when I left? I can’t be sure. Their footsteps are getting louder, their voices clearer. It’s Simon and someone else’s. Taking a leap, I swing onto the third step, landing softly so as not to make a sound. It’s one of my skills being light on my feet. My family used to hate it as I could always get the jump on them. The stairs shake, but otherwise they hold up pretty well. I lean down carefully, pulling the door closed. It doesn’t click shut as it’s rather stiff. I don’t want to slam it shut, as I don’t know how close they are.

Looking up at the stairs, there is a rust hinge right at the top and if I don’t land properly, the whole thing is going to collapse. Nothing like a rickety metal staircase collapsing to help with your escape???

I lift one foot to test the next step. The whole thing shakes as I do. Gently putting it back, I let out a sigh I can’t exactly waste any more time. “Where is she?” I hear one of them as I leap with all my might up to the top of the stairs. The hinge gives way as the wounds on my back tear open as I grip the ledge, holding myself up. Shit. The sound clatters and bangs so violently in the small stairwell. Theres no way they don’t know where I am. Hauling myself up, the stale dirty shirt sticking to my back as I raise up before scampering out the way. I make it two steps out of sight when the door is yanked open. “What the hell?” I hear them say as I hold my breath, gradually walking further up the dark narrow corridor before leading me out of the back of the castle.

Would they think it collapsed on its own? Probably not, as they would have passed my empty cell to get here, so it’s pretty obvious it’s me.

My back pulses as I feel a fever break out, my sweat and blood mixing together as I trudge around the back of the castle. I really need to sleep, but I can’t stay here. Against all odds, trucks can be seen at pulling up at the driverway out back, making a delivery. This is genuinely happening. I can get out of here!

My heart races as I scan the men loading the trucks. I have to time this perfectly so I won't be seen. Then I see it. Two of them leave to go and grab something from the back of the castle all the other drivers have either left or already locked up their trucks the engines on ready to drive away. I sprint as fast as I can, ignoring the shooting pain with every step. With utmost stealth, I enter and conceal myself behind the crate boxes, ensuring no one catches sight of me. I eavesdrop as they load the next box, then the door shuts and locks in place. Okay, not sure how I’ll get out, but I’ll think of something. “See you in Bloodmoon Bay,” one of the men declares as I breathe a sigh of relief. It’s several hours’ drive from here. I can think of a plan by then.

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