
The deal

" So tell me, what brings you here Laura. I don't believe you came to visit an old friend?" Justin asked regarding Laura with suspicion.

" I need your help." Laura replied nervously.

Justin burst out laughing at her words.

" You need my help?" He repeated and Laura nodded.

" What makes you think that I will help you?" He asked, cocking his brows at her.

The nerve of her, coming to ask for his help after everything she did and said to hurt him.

What did she think he was? An idiot who would willingly help her despite the pain she caused him.

" Justin, please. I'm begging you?" Although she claimed to beg, her voice held no sincerity at all. She is Laura so how could she beg a good for nothing criminal and drug addict like him?

Standing from his seat, Justin walked to the table and poured himself a glass of whisky.

Tipping the glass to his lips, he gulped the whole contents before refilling it again.

" Help me this once. I swear I'll give you anything you want. Just name your price." Lau
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