
Chapter 27

She only knows a stark and ugly honesty that her brother Nordin has constantly sighed would be her undoing one day.

Nordin hadn't been wrong.

Brendan is silent.

So I am simply yet another burdensome thing to be set aside, out of sight.

Alcina is so tired of being set aside.

Somewhere, in between Brendan looking at her with a gravity underpinning his gaze, as though Alcina were something particularly remarkable, and Brendan, allowing Alcina to cling to him, Alcina had forgotten what it felt like.

"Why am I not permitted to know?" It sounds childish and sullen, even to Alcina's own ears, but she feels so- choked up. 

The words come tumbling out without her control. "Would it really be so burdensome if I were allowed to-"

Brendan's brow furrows harshly. "Because you do not need to know."

Alcina physically jerks back as though stung. The bewilderment in Brendan's gaze grows more pronounced, as though he c

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Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Bella Jersey
You are impressing with you skill as a writer starting with vampire. Then you move to Victor and now here. I applaud you
goodnovel comment avatar
Bella Jersey
I mean damn they are so good. the layers they went through in this chapter. Read the last chapter over again and I was in tears for Alcina

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