
Chapter Three, Yusa's Suffering

Yusa received a payment invoice sheet with his name written on it as the party responsible for paying the rental f*e for the wedding hall.

"Mrs. Olivia said we have to ask Mr. Yusa for payment."

"But ma'am, our wedding was canceled and the building is not being used... how can I possibly pay the rent?"

"We're sorry Mr. Yusa, this cancellation came from your side, not from ours... according to the provisions, Mr. Yusa and Mrs. Olivia must still pay the rental f*e because have signed a contract agreement... the wedding hall has also been decorated, we have to replace it. Our loss is because the decoration costs were wasted...unused..."

Yusa had a headache two hours after the bill for renting his wedding hall came in, he had to look for a loan of fifteen million rupiah to pay for their losses.

He had been fired from his job and evicted from his rent.. now he had to take on a huge debt.

"Where am I supposed to get that much money?"

Yusa ruffled his hair in confusion...after thinking about it his life was very sad...he was homeless and had no place to live and he was also unemployed.

"I can't go back to Imperial now"

Yusa would be embarrassed if he returned empty-handed... without achieving satisfactory results... his cousins would laugh at him for being so stupid as to leave Imperial just to become a useless loser.

When Yusa passed an expensive boutique from the Saraswati Deva Brand... he found a flyer displayed on the notice board on the boutique fence.

"A nanny is needed for Mrs Andini's daughter"

Yusa tore the leaflet and read it carefully... it turned out that luck was still on his side.

Sugiono's family, prominent people in this city are looking for a nurse who will patiently take care of their blind daughter.

Yusa's smile rose when he read the application requirements, they didn't need someone with a medical certificate as a nurse but needed someone who was patient with her daughter's crazy attitude.

"Eight million every month... this salary is very large compared to the salary of an office boy.."

Yusa pocketed the leaflet then walked, shouldering his backpack which he had been carrying everywhere.

Incidentally, he also doesn't have shelter. If he is accepted as a nurse in the family, he doesn't need to be confused about finding a boarding house.

After driving public transportation through Jalan Pahlawan... Yusa stopped at an intersection... the distance between the Sugiono family's residence and the intersection where he was standing was still too far.

Yusa walked there... it's normal that public transportation won't be able to get to this elite residential area.

The housing complex security guard blocked Yusa in front of the main road barrier.

"We don't accept charity collectors here... bro..."

Yusa was a little annoyed because he thought he was going to ask for charity. Yusa showed him the flyer he brought.

"I want to apply to be a nanny for Mrs Andini's daughter."

The security guard read the flyer and it was true that the Sugiono family was looking for a nurse to look after their crazy daughter.

"You'd better go home... I can't guarantee it... you'll feel at home being Miss Dinar's nurse... she's crazy... blind... and temperamental... this past week fifteen nurses have run away because they're afraid of Miss Dinar.

Yusa can guess that this job is not easy.

"It's okay sir, please still let me in... I just need work..."

" I' m said you didn't believe it..."

"Please sir... I really need this job."

"Yes, but be careful if you regret it later...we don't want to be responsible..."

In the end, Yusa, accompanied by the security guards, arrived in front of the Sugiono family's house... a very magnificent five-story building.

"Well... this is his house... bro, just press the bell and someone will open the gate... I'll go back to the patrol post..."

Yusa nodded, he pressed the bell on the gate several times hoping that someone would open it.

"Who are you looking for?" A middle-aged woman who Yusa believed was a household assistant immediately appeared in front of him.

"I want to register to be Miss Dinar's nurse."

The household assistant suddenly looked hatefully at Yusa... her friendly nature that had just disappeared suddenly disappeared.

"Just go... It's no use being here!!"

" But.."

Before Yusa and the maid finished arguing, they heard the sound of breaking things shouting from inside the house. The maid panicked and quickly ran back into the house.

"Aunty!!?... Please let me in, ..."

"Go!! It's better not to come back!! Please, listen to me, miss Dinar is going berserk again!!



.... PYAR....

Yusa saw the shadow of a woman with her blind stick hitting the maid on the floor.

Yusa, who was surprised, widened his eyes and turned nervous.

That maid could lose her life if it continues like this.

"Aunt!!" Yusa no longer cared about manners, he climbed the high fence to break in.

Ran into the unlocked house and saw the crazy woman raising her stick about to hit again.

"Stop!! You can kill her!!" Yusa grabbed the guide stick and threw it away.

Dinar is seen feeling around the side of the table then taking the flower vase and throwing it at Yusa.

But a booming voice from the door stopped the woman's madness.



Yusa looked towards the source of the voice, a beautiful young woman was seen entering the house accompanied by a middle-aged woman whose appearance was very fashionable, like the mother of a government official.


Yusa was shocked when Dinar, the blind woman who had been about to smash a flower vase at him, was now slapped and roughly grabbed by her hair.

"You want to kill people huh!!??'re already blind!!..disabled!!...troublesome!!..and now you want to become a criminal!!"

Dinar's stepsister... Sheila, who now slammed Dinar's body into the sofa.

Slapped the dinar repeatedly until the woman with long, tangled hair just remained silent with tears continuing to fall.

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