
Hope you didn't eat much cake my love

I was falling so hard, I didn't realize it in time, when I did realize it I tried to stop myself but it only got worse, I couldn't do anything without thinking about him, I stopped coming to visit him, but he didn't make it any easier, he started calling and calling, he wouldn't let me be, he wouldn't let me rest, he was always calling to know how I was and if I was going to come to his house and all, I finally thought I should let him know so that if it was something that wasn't possible we could just stop it immediately, and that was how we got here.

Amanda couldn't believe all she had heard, she suspected her brother had a girlfriend and that was what had changed his ways to better, he was more understanding and more accommodating, she was longi g to meet the mystery girl but she probably didn't want to come to them, she was chasi g something else, she was grateful to Joy for helping her brother, she didn't know all that happened to him, but she was sure Goodluck knew everything,
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