
The reward of disobedience

There are very few reasons, why people fall in love.

For Amanda, she had fallen for Goodluck, and there is nothing, that could change how she feels about him, but what she doesn't understand is why she is thinking about Dave.

Though she knows that the fight between the both of them is temporal, she still feels she owes Dave some how.

She was thinking about so many things, almost at the same time, when her phone rang.

Even if she can hardly see, she would still know the number.

It was Dave's second number.

She did not save it, but she knows it.

Why he was calling her, is clear.

He may still be trying to get her to think about what he has told her, which is not possible for her, but she has an idea, she was going to be very Frank with him, when she sees him.

Most discussion are better off face to face.

If she keeps telling him on the phone, he may not understand it.


She tried to sound vibrant, so that he doesn't suspect that she is sad, from the attitude Goodluck is giving her.

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