
Chapter 36

Poe called out weakly from his perch on the stable's roof as we made our way out the door. We didn't make it far before I spotted Liam in the courtyard talking with Collen. They glared at John as we passed by and broke off their conversation. Liam followed us into the stable.


I turned and John paused beside me.

"Dad told me you'd returned. I didn't believe him when he said you were friends with a witch." Liam's hostility caught me off-guard, though I shouldn't have been surprised. He'd hated witches ever since he learned what they'd done to the Families.

"John saved my life, multiple times, and I've no doubt that he'd do it again. I don't care what side he's from."

Liam pointed violently at John. "But you brought him here! He could be a spy! "I​ ​wouldn't​ ​put​ ​it​ ​past​ ​a​ ​witch​ ​to​ ​double​ ​cross​ ​us."​ ​Liam​ ​spat​ ​on​ ​the​ ​ground.

"I don't even know where 'here' is," John mumbled as he shifted behind me.


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