
Chapter 6

*Janice Pov* 

“So how is life?” Abby asked, sipping her coffee. 

“It’s good.” I replied, looking down at the cup. 

“Janice! It’s been just four months since you got married, and you must be like having a grin or something on your face. What happened?” She asked, holding my hand. 

“It is an arranged marriage Abby. It takes time for both of us to settle.” I replied. 

“Your Mother-in-law is a complete fan of you though. Wherever she meets us, she just says you take care of everyone, and mainly David is involved in the business so much after the marriage.” Mom said proudly. 

“Yeah!” I said, leaning back. 

He is just hiding with the work, and that’s all. Whenever I try to talk to him little romantically, he would just start talking about the office. 

Seeing that my In-laws are happy and satisfied that he is taking responsibilities. I have a feeling of love for him, but he is maybe still in love with her. 

“Ok! I will just leave.” I said getting up. 

“Stay for some more time.” Abby said, holding my hand. 

“No, Abby! Thought of visiting you guys for some time returning from college. Now I have to go home and do some chores.” I said smiling. 

“See my Daughter is always thinking about her new life.” Mom said smiling. 

“Yeah! New life.” I said, nodding and walked outside. 

In the evening, Uncle returned early along with David and we all sat for the evening snacks. 

“I have a surprise for both of you. Now the company can be handled by me, and I am happy with David’s hard work, so I think you both should go for a holiday.” Uncle said taking out an envelope and placed it in front of us. 

“Switzerland? Thank you Dad.” David said, smiling while I sat there in shock. 

Is he really okay with all this? I thought confused, but gave them a smile. 

“Are you sure?” I asked David when we went inside the room. 

“About what?” he asked, frowning removing his tie. 

“Honeymoon and all. We can skip it if you want.” I replied. 

“No! I think it will be good for us to go there.” He said, nodding and I sighed in relief. 

Maybe this holiday is needed. Maybe I will have a well married life with him now. 

*Adithya Pov* 

“You are early?” Parul said when I walked into our room. 

“Yeah! I thought we could go out and Rome. It’s been so long right?” I asked her, and she nodded. 

When we walked outside I sat on the bike wearing a helmet while she stood beside me fidgeting her hands. 

“What is it?” I asked her frowning. 

“Can we take a taxi or something?” She asked. 

“Why?” I asked, frowning more. 

“My skin will get so much dust with all the pollution and all.” She replied. 

“Ok!” I mumbled, and we both walked a few minutes and took a taxi. 

“I think you should buy a car, Adithya. I really hate two wheelers.” She said looking outside. 

“My salary will not be enough.” I said staring at her. 

“No! It is actually enough, right?” She asked, turning towards me. 

“I am saving money for us.” I replied. 

“What will we do after a few years with that money when we can get some needs now?” She said shaking her head. 

“This is what I have, Parul.” I said, taking a deep breath. 

“If only you can take over the business.” She mumbled and frowned looking outside. 

The happiness I thought while planning this outing left with bits for each few minutes we traveled. 

“I got leave for a few days, and I am deciding we should go for a holiday.” I said when we reached the home. 

“Where?” She asked excitedly. 

“Goa! I booked everything and we just need to pack our clothes.” I replied happily with her excitement walking inside our room. 

I started taking out the clothes to freshen up, but I saw that she is silent. I walked towards her and held her hand. 

“What is it?” I asked her frowning. 

“Can we go out of India? I want to see some new places. I already went to Goa many times.” She replied. 

“But this time I will be with you right?” I asked smiling. 

“Yeah! I will be downstairs.” She replied walking outside making me shake my head. 

Maybe next year I can just try to use some saved amount and take her to the place where she wishes. Nevertheless, this time it is kind of tight, and I have already made the bookings. 

I should have asked her before doing anything. You are stupid Adithya. I scolded myself and freshened up a little. 

I will try to make it up to her in Goa. I decided and felt content. 

*David Pov* 

Finally I will be going to Switzerland. I wanted to go there from a few years but my Dad never gave the proper money, but now I can. 

I should say to my friends! I thought, and updated the status in the social networking site. 

I glanced at Janice and saw that she is already sleeping. She can do all the shopping she wants there while I Rome around visiting all the places I like. 

Then I saw a status update from Parul and saw that she will be going to Goa. I smirked, thinking already how disappointing she must be feeling. 

But she is going for the honeymoon? Well, she can do what she wants. I thought shrugging and drifted off into sleep. 

*Parul Pov* 

Switzerland? I frowned, looking at his status. Now I so wish I didn’t put any status. So he is finally going there and that too for honeymoon. 

I wanted to do so much shopping when I ever went for a holiday after the wedding, but here I am going to Goa. 

I so hate my life right now. Can’t he just once look inside the business world? There will be less work and more money. 

I always thought he was a nerd and isn't the nerds actually have a bright future. Then, what is he actually doing serving in the police department? 

I shook my head, feeling the headache and drifted off into sleep with complete disappointment.  

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