

Zephyra's POV

My eyes drift open the next morning, the numbers on my bedside clock coming into focus. Five-thirty a.m. What woke me so early? I flash back to last night, remembering Lirael falling asleep behind me, and the last of the fog clears from my mind. I roll over and look for him, but apart from me, my bed is empty. Did I only dream him being here? Before disappointment can hit too hard, a noise filters through my bedroom door. I sit up, clutching my blanket to my chest.

Another sound reaches me. Is Lirael still here and doing something in the kitchen? I climb out of bed and pull my short, silky robe over my naked body, tying it loosely before heading out of the room.

My feet stall, and my heart does a little flutter in my chest. Lirael is standing at the counter with his back to me, wearing just his boxer briefs, while the early morning light illuminates his muscular body. Bowls, spoons, and various ingredients are spread on the surrounding countertop, and he’s peering intent
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