

Zephyra's POV

"Do I really have to go?" I groan, burying my face deeper into the plush hotel pillows. It's two weeks later, a whole fortnight since I poured my heart and soul into those damn hotel designs. The Wright Group's in-house construction planning team finally received the finalised plans, and with a sigh of relief, I considered the project done.

Lirael, in a rare display of appreciation, decided to throw an extravagant dinner tonight to celebrate everyone's hard work. "Everyone," apparently, included me. Except, I wasn't going. A strategically placed migraine – a complete fabrication, of course – had earned me a reprieve. Jovan, bless his heart, tried to strong-arm me into attending, but I held firm. The thought of facing Lirael at the award ceremony tomorrow was already enough to churn my stomach. Sitting across a table from him for hours on end tonight? Intolerable.

"Yes, Freya, you heard me right," I mumble, my voice muffled by the pillows. "I have to go?"

Freya, eve
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