
43-Book 1 Epilogue, New World Summit

Three Months Later-

“Baby,” Sebastian yells as Terry squirms in his arms. “He can’t walk yet, why does he want down?”

“Because he can crawl,” Temperance laughs. “Just let him down. I put the gate on the stairs.”

“Fine, whatever,” Sebastian releases his wild son to the floor. Sebastian laughs as Terry makes a bee line for the stairs.

“Are you coming to Grandma?” Janice teases, opening the gate and scooping Terry up.

“He squirmed from me,” Sebastian pouts.

“You aren’t grandma,” Temperance teases him, before kissing his cheek.

Sebastian looks down at her. Sebastian bites his lips as he takes in his mate.

“Damn Baby, are we welcoming the Alphas?” Sebastian asks.

“Yes, why?” Temperance asks.

“Because this outfit has me thinking other thoughts,” Sebastian pulls her close and kisses her neck, making her laugh.

“It's a pant suit, what kind of male finds a pant suit sexy?” Temperance asks.

“Me,” Sebastian growls, capturing her lips.

“Okay, you two, no need to make another baby, yet.” Janice le
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