
Chapter 88 Strange Bedfellows

Henry hadn't wanted to explain anything to Natalie, but her obtuseness and relentless questions were getting to him.

Natalie blinked at him, taken aback by his sudden outburst.

Was Henry … explaining his actions to her? Why was he doing this?

"If you keep asking these stupid questions, I'm going to make you pay!" Henry gave her a warning look, effectively silencing her.

In any case, it didn't matter whether he'd had an affair with Juliet. Nothing changed between them.

Juliet wasn't the only reason why she wanted to divorce him. For the most part, it was because she was thoroughly disappointed by him. At this point, she wanted to end it all so she could have some room to breathe and let her wounded heart heal.

That night, Natalie and Henry returned to the house they used to live in.

Henry headed to the study, citing unfinished work. Natalie took a shower and sat on the bed as she called her father.

Daniel had been out of prison for two days, but she hadn't had the chance to spea
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