
Thirty seven

Vega POV.

I went home alone. After screaming at Ryan about what a douchebag he was and how he was wrong about my breath stinking. Long story short, I wouldn't be going to any club soon, and I hoped no one got it on video.

Ryan fucking Mickelson! I should have known it was him from the get-go but he'd grown up to even be more gorgeous than he was before. It was so unfair.

I stepped into my room and turned on the light as I kicked off my shoes. My phone rang and I answered when I saw it was Andrianna.

"What was that about at the club? Ryan is devastated".

"He should be!" I muttered under my breath, even tho I felt petty for holding a grudge for so long and exploding all in his face the first chance I got. "It's nothing. I was just drunk talking. What are you still doing there anyway".

"The night is still freaking young, and I'm just starting it, whoo!" She screamed over the music, then yelled at her bodyguard to let go of her.

Another voice came on the phone whom I recognized as one of t

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