
13. Sunday Being Funday.

Alana’s POV

"Where are we Going Chris?" I asked as the driver was driving for the last half an hour.

"You will see," he said. After almost 15 minutes we stopped at a mall.

"Shopping?" I asked.

"Yes I thought you needed this." he said and I smiled.

I was looking here and there thinking of which dress to buy. "Here, try them," he said, giving me some dresses.

I nodded and left. I tried one after another and I must say his choice is quite good. They all fit me well and were of my favourite colours. He told me to buy everything so I did. After that he bought me some sandals and core shoes.

"So? What next?" He asked.


"Nothing? What about jewels, bags and all?" He asked.

"I don't like them much."

"But at least a bracelet or locket?"

"Ok." I said and he smiled. He selected one for me.

"Make me wear it." I said while he nodded. He made me stand in front of the mirror Himself standing behind me. It was an infinity locket with silver embroidery and chain.

"Beautiful" he said
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