

Trisha bent her head over her knees and let her hair fall over her face as she sighed in relief. The peace that washed over her and soothed her every atom as the shadows began to sink deeper into the cavern was short lived when she thought of Harold—and what had become of him.

She stood up with all the strength she could muster when she was convinced that they had all gone, pushed her wand into her cardigan, flicked on her almost useless flashlight and jogged to where Harold's numb body was. As she dropped down on her knees while shining the flashlight's beam on his thigh which was way too white—almost silvery, Wilkes appeared beside her but she didn't flinch. Her eyes were fixed on the blood-drenched trouser he had on.

“We need to get out of here,” he whispered, not wanting to attract the shadows again as he knelt on Harold's other side. “I have a feeling they'll be back soon.”


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