
Chapter Forty-five: THE LUNA POSITION 


Shirley sauntered into the conference room. She looked confident, she looked beautiful.

I averted my gaze from her beautiful face to Karl who was fighting to train his gaze on the coffee Ron was serving him—anything to keep his gaze from wandering to her.

Karl wore a cast around his left arm which was signed by a few people, everyone close to him but me.

Shirley sat in a seat Ron held out for her, her thick lashes fluttered at me before a smile twitched on her lips.

Ron had scheduled the meeting and had pushed it back three days from the day the elders had initially visited.

I had requested Shirley's presence at the meeting. Here she was looking as beautiful as ever.

Sir Ferren spoke on behalf of the elders sent out to represent the rest of the council. His speech was thick with insinuation, this didn't seem to faze Shirley.

"All I said is that I can't have my baby outside the walls of a long-term commitment with your Alpha." She brushed back a swathe of her blonde
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