
For how long?


Author’s Pov.

Alex was back from home this time the operation had been done successfully, and Axel and Hazel had been sitting at the doctor's office digesting all the necessary information needed to help Tracy heal completely.

Alex had rushed home to change and bring a few of her clothes alongside his, he would be staying with her at the hospital till she fully recovered.

“You look like a bird without feathers.” Axel teased coldly as Alex dropped the bag in the hospital room staring at Tracy who was lying on the bed fighting for her life with the help of the life-saving machine.

Unable to say a word he gulped down nothing then turned to Axel.

“You must be really stressed, boss.”

“Axel.” Axel corrected, shutting him a glare.

Alex had always switched the name, but at the time he barely knew when to include formalities or trash them.

Hazel was seated on the provided chair her hands holding tightly to Tracy’s hand.

“Will you watch over her till her father com
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Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Smiriti Arora
interesting but before doing find out she is ur sister axel please update regularly

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