
86. Power


I stare at her, wondering what the hell I am supposed to say.

On one hand, I wanted a female friend again. I missed the easy friendship I used to have with Esther, the camaraderie, the witty quips and snickering over mean girls, having someone to tell secrets to and expecting no judgment in return, just support.

Although I had a friend in Haden, he was busy half the time with duties. And even then, there were some things I couldn’t say to him without feeling embarrassed. Our friendship kept getting stronger by the day, but it was different from what I had with Esther. Not as easy-going.

But I couldn’t expect the same friendship from Valencia either. Esther and Valencia are so different the very idea is laughable. Valencia was the opposite of easygoing. She is mysterious, passive and serious with a sketchy history, half of which I didn’t even know.

Theon warnings ring in my head, and even though I can’t imagine Valencia doing something that unhinged, it leaves me aa bit wary
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