
Chapter 87 At Wit's End

Zheng Shuang came to the Center a week later with more information for us. "The suspects that we've arrested were all dead!" He exclaimed to us, "Ruthless and brutal, their shadowy mastermind. The dead suspects were discovered to have died in the same manner, leaving nothing that our coroner could trace!" But a few of our experts deduced that the men were already poisoned prior to their detainment as a means of sealing any loose lips in case of their arrest!" No, I remembered, their meridian points were sealed by Lin Feng. We had been expecting their deaths; they had tried to drug and murder us. Yet when we had escaped, they pursued us with determination and malice! The slow death that the detainees that suffered in prison were already merciful enough than what they truly deserved! I interrupted my own train of thoughts, focusing back into what Zheng Shuang was saying next. "We had looked into the cellmates that Wang Laosan was reported to be close with. We'll need just a little mor

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