
Daydreams and Nightmares


"Faye!" Arthur shakes me. "Oh, my god, Faye!"

My body convulses as I scream, the feeling of someone ripping my heart from my chest overwhelming all my senses. My body bucks as my vision blurs, Arthur seeming far away, his voice fading. As my vision fades to black, I see Devona on the ground, bleeding, a glowing sword stabbing her through the center of her torso, her eyes losing their shine as the blade pulsates, glowing with the green fire of her soul slowly draining from her body. Just a few feet away from her, Embyr was being held back by Garreth, his eyes glowing gold. The clock on the wall reads 12:42.

I come back to myself and see that I'm lying in a large bed, Arthur lying next to me, holding onto me. Feeling the changes in my body, he sits up and touches my face gently, checking me over to make sure I am okay.

"Faye," he sighs. "Thank god." He seems satisfied with what he observed. "How do you feel?"

"Like someone stabbed me in the heart."


"What time is
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