
Chapter Twenty-Eight

Reese’s POV

The office Troy showed her to was at the back of the packhouse and held two desks, one for Julian, as she soon found out. Since he was her Gamma, it was his duty to also act as a buffer between her and pack members wanting appointments, much like Drake did for Troy.

They had a small kitchenette with a very nice coffee station and another door that led to somewhere. Troy gave her a grin and stood in front of the door. “I know your office is a little out of the way and normally you’d have the office next to mine, but …”

Reese’s heart sank a little. If her office was right next to his then they’d be close the whole day. She didn’t want to think about what that meant. They hadn’t talked about Amber again and Reese wasn’t sure she wanted to.

“Reese.” Troy looked at her and she blinked as she snapped out of it. “We needed more space for your lab than the other office allowed for.”

“My lab?” Reese felt like she’d been sucker punched but with tingles and marshmallows of happiness.
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