


“Finally, the lady of the moment arrives.” I tease as lady Agnes walks down the flight of stairs.

Her hand is on her face, rubbing and itching her eyes like I robbed her of a thousand years of sleep. She's clearly in her night robe, which means I did.

And I feel sorry.

She yawns and goes on stretching fervently.

"I bet you didn't want to wake up.”

"That's to say the least. I almost slapped the servant when I opened the door, why the fuck would he wake me up, knowing my 'don't knock before 8:00 am’ policy?”

"Ooh, there's something as such.” I stiffen a grin, now feeling both sorry and not sorry. Teasing her these days is my chill pill.

“Don’t be nasty. I'm old enough to lay on my bed all day and the plus is that I've worked hard and earned it.”

“Actually, I can't dispute that fact even though I want to.”

“Better don't toll that route, I’m vile seeing you...” she paused. "Oh, Petian darling, your mama is being silly this morning.” She walks to meet Petian and carry her on
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