
Sixty One


After tortuous minutes of trying to calm both parties down, incessantly dodging the vile from their strike, and almost hurting myself and my baby in the process, both men sheathed their swords and embraced peace, though I have my doubts that it may be nothing more than temporal deceit.

Hector is tending to his chest wound and Chris, the bruises from Hector’s claws. They blandly refused to readjust to anyone, okay with being strangers apart.

I don't find it out of place when Chris attacked like the wounded lion he is. That was the pain I'd been wanting to inflict on the alphas for the longest.

Even though Hector is vindicating them, they deserve every bad treatment they get.

"Are you both okay?” I go to their middle, but none is interested to respond. "I will take your silence to mean yes.”

Still, there is silence save their heavy breathing that's laced with hatred.

“Chris,” I go closer to him. "Before we act, I need to fix a problem.” I speak with coded language so he is th
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