


I glanced at my wristwatch and saw that we were almost running late. Well, not running late, exactly, but I wanted to be there as soon as I could. I once more focused on what I was doing, dishing the food into a foodflask. I listened, but I could not hear Finn. I left the kitchen, moved to the living room, but he wasn't there either. That meant he was still getting ready in his room.

"Finn," I shouted. "What are you still doing? I thought you would be ready by now."

"I'm just tying my shoelaces, mum," he shouted back. "I will be done in a minute."

"Alright. Hurry up."

Just as I put the lid on the food flask, Finn ran in.

"I'm all done," he announced, grinning from ear to ear.

I looked him over. "I can see that. And you are wearing your new pair of sneakers too."

"Uh huh. I want her to see it. I think I will even let her wear it. Let's go, mum."

"Hold your horses, kiddo. I'm yet to pack up the food."

"Oh, what food are you packing?"

For answer, I took the lid off the food
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