


I shook my head in disbelief as I listened to Katherine's complaints.

"You should just have stayed home, Kathy," I said, laughing. "Or you could have waited till I was free to show you around."

"Much as I hate to agree with you, I have to admit that you are right. If I wasn't sure you would somehow get me out of this situation, I would have been freaking out by now."

"You are lucky you have me then. Now I want you to look around and tell me what you see. Describe your immediate environment so I can get a rough idea of where you are."

"Okay.... I am er- at a street corner. The most prominent landmark here is a restaurant with a name that sounds funny. I can't pronounce it. Wait a minute! I just saw this same restaurant around the corner from here. Jeez! How many branches do these businesses have anyway? It seems they spring out of the ground. It's unsettling-"

"Welcome to New York."

"-and everyone keeps hurrying to heaven knows where. No one is even bothering to stop.
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