
Chapter 100

Something wasn't adding up, and she couldn't figure out what it was.

She shook her head to clear her head, she was just probably thinking too much and she was just glad Caroline was okay.

She went ahead to find the kids so she could put them to bed because she was exhausted and needed to get some sleep too.

She started on way downstairs and found the kids in the living room, playing with some of their toys.

"Hey my angels, it's time for bed." She said, kneeling to their level and the kids immediately started to protest.

"But we're not tired!" they both said in unison and Ava smiled, and she said softly but firmly.

"Well, you may not be tired, but I am. And it's past your bedtime, so let's go get ready." The kids reluctantly agreed, and they followed her upstairs to their bedroom.

Once they were settled in bed, Ava tucked them in and gave them each a kiss on the forehead.

One of her favorite things was tucking the kids into bed at night because it just made her feel warm inside.

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