
Chapter 115

Ava noticed his facial expression when they called him uncle and knew that he hated it. She made a mental note in her head to tell the kids to drop it and refer to him as their dad instead because that was what he was to them.

"Now, why don't we all settle down and have our tea and snacks." Ava said, gesturing to the tray on the table that they have all managed to forget as they were talking about the library.

"Yes please!" Jane said, sitting down on the couch next to Ava and picking up a cookie.

"I'd love a cookie too." Jaden said, taking a seat next to his sister.

Soon they were all settled in, enjoying the tea and snacks, with a little chitchat herr and there about books and other things.

After a while, the twins started to get sleepy, and Ava suggested that they go to bed.

"Alright let's get you both to bed. Lend me a hand Ethan?"she asked and he stood up immediately to help her carry Jane while she carried Jaden.

"So what room would be theirs?" She gestured for him to take th
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