
Chapter 143: You can tell that too?

Avoiding his touch slightly, Eranthe said cautiously, "Why?"

"Because my hormones chose you. I desire you, so I am willing to be enticed by you. Is this simple logic clear, or do I need to explain it to you?"

Eranthe's heart skipped a beat.

"Eranthe, you always avoid my questions. Do you not believe in your own charm, or do you think I'm just trying to please you?"

Colin gathered his hand and pulled her back, making her face him. "In fact, I'm not lacking in women who boldly volunteer themselves. I encounter situations like what happened earlier every year in various places. But I've only taken your bait."

Eranthe's pupils dilated, "Only me?"

Colin lightly kissed the corner of her lips and whispered, "Yes, only you."

His deep gaze reflected in her eyes. "What are you thinking?"

Eranthe placed her hands on his chest. "You're quite good at flirting, I thought..."

"Thought I was experienced?" Colin chuckled. "I'm not that i

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