


I watched Hailey walk into the house, Kendall sleeping in her arms, and felt a pang in my chest. I knew I had to be patient, to give her time to think, to process everything. But it was hard, when all I wanted to do was hold her, to tell her how I felt, to show her that I was all in.

I followed her into the house, my eyes fixed on her, as she laid Kendall down on her bed. And then, Kendall spoke up, her little voice clear as day. "Mummy, you can date him."

Hailey's eyes met mine, and I saw a flicker of surprise, of uncertainty. But then, something shifted, and she smiled, a small, tentative smile. "Okay, baby," she said, her voice soft. "Mummy will think about it."

I felt a surge of hope, of excitement. Maybe, just maybe, we were on the same page. Maybe we could build a life together, a life with Kendall, and see where it takes us.

As Hailey walked out of Kendall's room, I followed her, my heart pounding in my chest. "Hey," I said, my voice low. "Can we talk?"

She turned to
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