

I stood there and battled with the thoughts in my head,

As I watched Richard picked up his car keys and left the living room.

Whatever got him into this mood did it in my favor, Oh how I wish things would continue this way, I just want to always see him this happy at least,

It would give room for long-lasting conversation who knows things might turn out just the way I want them. I was lost in another deep imagination when I suddenly realized myself.

Took the girls upstairs, washed them up then changed them into a home way, and brought them downstairs, So now let's think of things to keep us busy.

We need to get busy till the arrival of Richard, cause he already lifted off the burden of making dinner from me that evening.

But first I need to find out what they wanna do too, cause they are my little mistress, their opinion counts too,

“ So girls which do you wanna do first, attend to your homework or wait for daddy to come back?”

The look on their faces already says it all, especially
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