

Maria stared at me in disbelief while I stared at Mr Wong.

Why would he tell her that I'm his wife?

“Mommy." Amber tugged on my clothes and I turned my attention to her, looking down at her.

“Yes, baby?” I ask her, ignoring Mr Wong’s piercing gaze.

“Daddy got Fifi a husband." She tells me and I can see the excitement in her eyes as she says this.

Fifi is her plush toy.

But I feel like she's not excited about the toy but more excited that she has someone to call daddy and do things with.

Smiling at her, I rub her cheek affectionately, not sure of what to say.

“What are you still doing here? Want to see if J can fire you?" Mr Wong barks and I turn my attention to Maria who has been standing there, watching us with shock.

After she left, I turned to him with my arms crossed on my chest.

“Why did you call me your wife?” I ask and he looks at me and then smirked.

“Is that why your face is red right now? Because I called you that? Do you remember Clause Three of the contract?” He questions
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