
Chapter eighty seven

My head was slowly starting to ache and my throat, it was burning like I’d just consumed acid. I raised my head to stare at him and I could see a slight smirk on his face as he slowly ran his fingers through his hair.

“What did you add into this?” I asked as I got off the chair, making for the bathroom where hopefully, I would be able to ease myself but then he didn’t reply and at that moment, I started to regret every single choice of mine that was linked to this party.

I gasped as I started throwing up into the sink, what was this? Why was I feeling this way? I coughed hard as I washed my face and then, I slightly raised my head to stare into the mirror and there, I saw him standing behind me, a deadly smile on his face.

I moved back in shock and just as I was about to get out of the bathroom, my head still aching badly, he held me back as he pulled me closer to himself, still not saying a word.

“Leave me, what is wrong with you?” I asked him as I struggled to get free from him bu
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