
CHAPTER 47: What's my brother doing?


I suddenly felt the urge to cry as I stared after his retreating figure in shock.

Carlo ignored me!

But why am I bothered? Why do I feel so worthless? Isn't this what I've always wanted?! Don't I want him out of my life forever like I've screamed about?! Have I gotten used to having him around me in such a short while? Has my heart opened up to him again?!

Jeez! This is just too much!

I pursed my lips and blinked back the tears that had pooled at my eyes. I nodded slowly and turned around.

"Isn't this a good thing?" I turned sideways to Arsenio. "He seemed to have given up. This is good." He smiled and I forced a smile too. "I mean, we won't have to pretend to be in a relationship because of him, we could make it real instead." I glared at him immediately and he started laughing. "Just look at your face. Hahahaha."

"Sschh!" I scoffed and began walking towards the car park. "Come on, my friend's waiting for me." I said.

"Aye aye captain." He chuckled, w
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