
Exams are over

Clair pov

We couldn't wait for the last exam to finally end, so that we could go on the picnic we had been waiting in anticipation for. On the day we did wrap up the semester, we returned home, feeling as though a huge load had been lifted off of our shoulders.

I walked in and literally threw my bag across the room and slumped on to my bed, heaving a deep breath of satisfaction. Finally, it was over and we could have a well deserved break, before we get grilled once again in the next semester. I was hoping to relax my tired bones before going out to find Nolan, however, a set of knocks on the door meant I had to get up before I wanted to. 

Groaning, I dragged myself towards the entrance and opened the door. I thought it would be Lilli or Adira, or perhaps any of my besties, so I didn't expect to be lifted off the ground and swirled around. 

"Eeeee! Levi! Put me down!" I yelped. 

"Why should I?" He was grinning from ear to ear. <

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