
70- Molly's help

She was taking small sips of her coffee. It had been two days since they were back from their honeymoon, and her desire for Hunter was now making her crazy.

It was making her stay awake late.

Lying beside him and then pretending that she was sleeping was becoming a struggle. Thinking of it, she tried to stifle a yawn.

The way he used to talk to her, his smile, his dressing sense, the way he frowned. She did not know how to control this damn stupid feeling which would not let her sleep. She tried to take a sip from her cup and realized that her coffee was finished.

F*ck. Why so soon?

She wanted to throw the cup when she heard muffled words and laughter telling her that she had said it loudly AND she was not alone.

She raised her head and noticed that she was in the conference room full of people and there was a meeting going on. Several pairs of eyes were watching her.

Shit. How could I forget that!

She nervo

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goodnovel comment avatar
Louise Zelda Williams
Go on girl….. wear something sexy and act natural, like it’s nothing wink….. get that hungry hunter to sweat a little

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