
Chapter 20


After a while of playing in the water, we decided it was time to get out. Being that I was completely naked, Damian got out first and walked to his truck. He opened the back door, pulled out two towels, then walked back to the water. I swam toward the beach until I could stand up. I walked to Damian and wrapped myself up in the towel. Being cold and wet sucked, but it was still fun playing in the water. 

We dried off, got dressed and got back into the bed of the truck. I laid down next to Damian, he put his arm around me and pulled me close. He covered us with a blanket, and we laid there for a while enjoying the moment. I was ready to drift off to sleep when Damian looked at his watch and realized it was 1am, “I need to get you home baby girl.” He whispered in my ear. 

“Aww do we have to?”

“Yeah. I got range training in the morning.” 


“Yep. Ever since the accident Jax has us doing more and more training.”


“Because he wants to make sure we’re ready.”

“Ready for what?”

Damian was quiet for a moment, so I sat up and looked at him, “Ready for what Damian?” 

He sat up and looked at me, “It’s nothing.”

“That doesn’t tell me shit.” I hissed. 

“It’s nothing. I promise.” He said, placing his hand on the side of my neck. 

I glared at him; I had a feeling he was keeping something from me, which was nothing new to me. Everyone keeps shit from me and it’s annoying. Either I can start an argument and ruin a great night, or I let it go.

I decided to let it go, I enjoyed this date much more than I thought I would, and I didn’t want to ruin it. 

“Okay,” I said.

    He sighed as though he was glad that he didn’t have to explain what was going on. I moved to the tail gate of the truck and slipped on my boots. Damian put on his boots and he pulled the bed cover closed. He walked around, helped me into the truck, and we headed back to the house.

We pulled into the main gate and drove to the front of the main house. Damian parked the truck, got out and came around and opened my door. I jumped down and we walked to the front door. 

“Thank you for tonight. I have never had a date like that, it was awesome.” 

“You’re very welcome. I had a great time. Maybe next time I’ll actually take you out for dinner.”

“That sounds good.” I blushed. 

He wrapped his arms around me, pulled me closer, and kissed me. “Good night baby girl,” he whispered in my ear. 

“Good night,” I said, then turned and walked into the house and went up to my room. 

 I went straight to my bathroom and took a warm shower since I was still a little cold from our swim. After my shower I put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and climbed into bed. I laid there for a minute and thought about the night. I honestly could not believe how much I enjoyed it. It was simple, nothing fancy. He put a lot of thought into it and it really showed. I mean he even had my favorite treats; it was perfect. I could not wait to call Sam and tell her all about it, but for now, I was going to get some sleep.



After I dropped Ophelia off, I pulled over to the bunkhouse and went to my room. I would worry about cleaning out my truck later. I jumped in the shower, put on a pair of sweatpants, and climbed into bed. The memory of her lips around my cock played in my mind. I will never be able to get enough of her. Watching her fall over the edge beneath me was mind blowing.

It was everything I thought it would be and more. Her breathless beneath me, filled with my cock was one image I would never get enough of. God why is this girl doing this to me? I laid in bed and stared up at the ceiling trying to figure out why I was feeling like this about her. I was addicted to her, to her body, and there was no meeting to cure me.

A few hours later my alarm went off and it was time to head to the range. I got up, put on a pair of tan pants, a green t-shirt, and my black lace up boots. I gave myself a look in the mirror and noticed the mark Ophelia left on my neck. SHIT. I grabbed a neck gaiter and put it on so that I wouldn't have to deal with Oliver's bullshit. I walked out of my room and to the kitchen. Mr. Henry had set out a big breakfast of bacon, sausage, biscuits, eggs, pancakes, and waffles.  

After breakfast I got in my truck and pulled around to the garage and went down to the weapons vault.  Noah, Oliver, and a few other guys were already in the vault getting ready. 

"What's up man?” Noah asked. 

"Nothing, what's up with you?" 

"What time did you get back with Ophelia," Oliver asked.

"Around 1:30 maybe 2:00." 

"Damn dude. Where did you take her?" 

"I took her out."

Oliver said nothing, he just went back to loading up his weapons.

I put on my Kevlar vest, put my revolver on my side, and my Beretta M9 in my back holster. I grabbed extra mags and put them in my pockets then picked up my M4 and my Barrett M107 Sniper Rifle. I grabbed extra mags for the rifles and went to the Knight to load up. 

Jax came into the garage and we all gathered around. 

"Good morning gentlemen. Today we're going to be doing some target practice, and evasive driving. Plus, we're going to do breach training along with a few other things. We'll probably stay out there and do some night training as well. The ones who have sniper rifles, make sure you have them loaded up. Team leaders pick up your team’s training list and make sure everyone qualifies. Any questions?

No one said anything. 

"Okay, load up, let's move out," Jax commanded. He took out his phone and called Ben, "Lock down the compound." 

When we go to the range, the whole compound goes on lock down no one is allowed in or out and Ben oversees security using his drones. If there was a threat though it would take us no more than five minutes to get back to the compound, but we really had nothing to worry about. Jax did a good job making sure that everyone that worked at the compound had some type of weapons training. Maids, cooks, and butlers were all trained. Besides, no matter what room you walk into, there are weapons hidden everywhere. The compound was always protected. 

We got to the range and unloaded our gear. We split off into six teams of ten, with Jax, Noah, Oliver, Nathan, John, and me as team leaders since we were the most proficient with our weapons and training. Although after the accident, I had doubted my own skills for a while. But Jax never let me give up. He pushed me to get back out on the range and pushed me to be even better.

Each team had a list of training to run through, so while one team might do demo training, another team would do target practice, then the other team would do something else. When each person on the team qualified with all training, we would move on to the second list. At the end of the day those of us who had sniper rifles would do our training. There were only ten of us who were snipers, Noah and I included. 

Each team finished up training and it was time for the real fun. I loved shooting my M107; it was a beast, and I was damn good with it. As we unloaded our rifles, Jax got a call and he pulled Noah, Oliver, and I off to the side away from the other guys.

"I got a call from Ben."    

"What’s wrong?" I interrupted. 

"Nothing with the compound. He does however have some news; he thinks he may have found the rat or rats." 

"Rats? As in we have two of these motherfuckers," Noah asked.

"Yeah. It looks like it. He's going to Mitch's office right now, and he wants you three to meet him there." 

We each nodded and walked to one of the trucks to drive back to the main house. 

When we got to the house, we walked to Mitch's office and knocked on the door. As we walked in, we saw Ben was already there.

“What's going on," Oliver asked.   

"So, while you were all at the range, I searched the bunkhouses and found something," Ben said.

Ben proceeds to pull up two photos on the monitor. It was two of our own guys, Ryan, and Blake. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. 

"Wait. Are you serious?"

 "I'm afraid so. When I was doing my search, I found burner phones in their rooms. I pulled the call records for the phones and it’s not good. Upon further investigation, I also found that they both have offshore bank accounts with a little over a half million dollars between the two of them and it’s not money from Mitch. This money is coming from a source connected to Ivankov.

 "Holy fuck!" Noah said. 

"Liam sent us those. Didn't he?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah." Ben said.  

"So, you think Liam had something to do with his own sister getting kidnapped," I asked Ben.

"I'm not saying that. Every few weeks a deposit is made into each of their accounts. A few days after the accident, they both got huge amounts of money. It was hard finding this shit to begin with, because the money is sent through several different accounts before it finally lands in their account. Now, being that Liam did send them, I asked Mitch what he wanted me to do, so I dug even more. There is nothing that connects them directly to Liam. So, by all accounts Liam is clean. He doesn't send them money and they don't send him money. They are in regular contact with an anonymous person though.”

"What do you mean?" Noah asked.

"They send regular texts to someone, but I still have not been able to pinpoint a location. When I try to track the number, the signal bounces all over the world. Whoever they are talking to, does not want to be found. They are sending information regularly about movements around the compound. They sent out a detailed text the morning of the accident."

At this point my blood was boiling. I wanted to kill them both right then and there. 

"So, they are the reason she was kidnapped," I asked.

"Yes. I do think they knew where she was being held," Ben said. 

"Are you fucking kidding me right now!” I hollered.

"It's all in there," Ben said, handing us each a folder.

I opened it up and saw the texts and the bank information. There were also photos of Ophelia that looked like they were taken from a distance. There were photos of me and of what truck we were in that day. 

"How long before you can figure out who they're sending these texts to," I asked.

"I will keep working on it, but right now, I have no idea. Like I said, every time I try to get a location, the signal bounces to another country, it's all over the place."

"So, do we kill them?" Oliver asked Mitch.

Mitch sat there for a moment then stood up and looked at each of us, "I want them questioned. I want to know who they are sending information to. I want to know if Liam is involved in this or not. I want you to find out everything they know. By any means necessary."

"Okay. I’m telling you now, if Liam is somehow behind this, I will not hesitate to kill my own brother. Especially not after the shit they did to her," Oliver said.

"Let's see what they have to say. Right now, this is a very delicate situation. We have evidence of betrayal on their part, but nothing yet on Liam. If it turns out that he is somehow involved in this, then I don't want him to know that we know. Okay? If it is true, I will be the one to deal with him," Mitch said.

I could not fucking believe this. Was it possible that Liam was behind this? I know he's power hungry, but would he really put his own sister at risk like that? 

"Where are Ryan and Blake at right now," Mitch asked. 

"They're at the range," Oliver said. 

"Okay. Tell Jax training is over and get them both in the box."

"Yes sir," Noah said. We walked out of his office, got back in the truck, and went back to the range.     

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