
Best Friends


My arms dropped limply to the side when I saw Pam standing there, staring at me. I was shocked, sad, and happy all at once. My lips began quivering without warning as tears ran down my face. Flashes of our times together moved past my mind’s eyes as I walked slowly to meet her. I increased my gait when I saw her moving towards. She did too and soon we were running towards each other.

We crashed into each other and fell like a heap to the floor, landing on our butts.

We burst out laughing whilst trying to sit up, then clung to each other when we did. We were basically laughing and crying at the same time.

“I hate you,” I wailed, caressing her hair.

“I’ve missed you!” she cried, wiping the tears running down my face.

“I’m sorry!” we said together, then laughed at our humor of it all.

“Really, I’m sorry Anne. I didn’t mean to leave you when you were sick and needed me…” she sobbed.

“It’s alright. I perfectly understand. I would have done the same thing, sweetie. It’s alright,
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