
Illicit Thoughts


In the parlor, the trio had already started a small party of laughter. Joan was already sitting comfortably on his shoulders, playing with his hair. I stood in the entrance for close to a minute before Joan saw me and yelled my name, making the others stop and look my way. I gave them a small smile and walked slowly into the room.

“Is he going to sleep here?” Joan asked excitedly.

“Do you want him to sleep here?” Makayla asked her daughter.

“Yes!!!” Joan squealed in delight. “I know everyone wants him to sleep in aunt Anny’s room, but…but… I don’t want that,” she whined, folding her tiny arms beneath her tiny chest.

“What then do you want, sweetie?” I asked, coming to stand in front of Vincent whilst talking to the little lady above his head.

“I want him to play with me in my room, then we’d sleep on the floor together, with all the toys, just like I see on tv,” she said, tearing up.

I saw my sister’s smile slowly vanish from her face. We all understood her words. Joan, ho
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