

"That sounds quite detailed," Charles chuckled. "The door would have been locked when you got here and you would be forced to go back but I secretly got the there is nobody waiting to take you back and lock you up."

"I don't believe you."

"I don't think we have time to be chit chatting, I will rather go out this door than back into that tunnel," Octavia said. She had been locked up for close to three days or so, she wasn't exactly keeping track of time but she didn't want to spend one more second in that basement or Alex's room.

"Good choice," Charles said, opening the door for them.

"We should make a run for it," Clara whispered to Octavia, she didn't trust Charles to keep to his word, this for all they knew could be one of his tricks yet again.

Octavia stared at Clara and like they could read minds they both dashed out through the door as fast as their legs could carry them leaving Charles chuckling behind them as he watched them run down the hallway and out the building.
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