
Chapter 2

"Is this it?"

She mumbled, as she stared at the sign board in one of the buildings in the street, as she park her car in the nearest parking space,

But she didn't get out immediately,as she took her phone and read the message that Cassy sent her

Cass: The name's Pausy's Bakeshop, don't be too late since we'll be waiting!

As she read the text,she then confirmed wether she's in the right place or not, as she got out of her SUV black, wearing her black shades as she went to the side walk, looking at the sign board at the bakery

"Pausy? A mix of Cassy's name and her future husband? How cliché" she chuckled as she look at it, combing her hair with her fingers, she went to the bakery like a model walking in the catwalk

"Welcome to Pausy's bakeshop!" She could hear the receptionist said as soon as she entered the room "May I ask,whether Miss Cassandra Diaz is here?"she asked the receptionist as she slowly taking off her glasses so she can be recognize

And as she expect,the receptionist recognized her, she could see how the receptionist had her jaw drop while looking at her in awe

"M-Miss A-Alicia! Is it really you? I'm a huge fan!!!"

She can only smile as she took a look at the receptionist who's obviously flustered at her sudden appearance,

She's used to this kind of reaction that's why it doesn't have any affect to her anymore,

"May I Ask again whether Cassandra Diaz is inside?"she asked again so the receptionist will be snap out from her thoughts

"A-Ah...Yes, Miss Cassandra is currently waiting in the VIP ward, if you want something to eat, please let me know and I'll deliver it in a few minutes"

She smiled lightly as she saw how Professional the receptionist is, she always encounter some receptionist who would always forget what's their jobs when they encounter her

"Please give me a Cheese Bread and Iced Tea please" she told the receptionist who the wrote her order in her notebook, "Noted,I'll have it deliver directly to the VIP ward," she could only nod as she walked inside

After hearing the receptionist's directions,she could feel everyone's attention in the bakeshop are all on her

She knew to the fact that she is the woman that every envied of, she's the daughter of the distinguished Olivera family, and listed as one of the richest women on earth

She had everything that every woman desired of, the life that everyone wanted, she had it and everyone is jealous of her because of that

As she walk in the bakeshop towards the VIP ward where her Friends are supposed to be, while she looked around in the designs of the shop, and she knew it directly who designed the interior

"Isabella really is the best interior designer"she mumbled, complimenting her Bestfriend that she sometimes wondered whether Isabella is honest with her or not,

After hearing Cassy's Wedding, she had started to doubt her friends.... whether how much did they hid from her, whether she knew them or not....

They're friends, and yet that they can't tell her about their love interests, it's as if that it's meant for them to hide it away from her,

"Will I ever remember what happened in the past?" she mumbled again as she stood outside of the VIP ward, taking a huge deep breath before she knocked on the door 3 times

Before it was opened by Cassy, who's mouth is filled with cream cheese, it's a sight that she can't see in the image of her Bestfriend "Alicia! You've arrived!" she could only smiled lightly at her

Bestfriend who is welcoming her, taking a glimpse to see also Catherine and Isabella are also inside

Not knowing that Cassy's actions will hurt her,

Cassy's image who is known to be elegant, and graceful, the image that she knew of her best friend is no longer can be seen

Isabella's graceful aura was gone, her beautiful face was replaced by a bloated one, filled with bread in her mouth, and Also Catherine's cold gaze in public cannot be seen since she's smiling so brightly

As she entered the Ward, that there's only one source of light, is at the lightbulb, no windows and such,

'they must did this so their image will be saved'

she thought as she sat infront of Isabella,besides Cassy's seat

"Did you already ordered? what can I get you?"Cassy softly asked her, "Umm...I had already ordered, but aren't we here to meet your future husband?" she told her friend's,

As she said those words, 3 of them started to look at each other, "Yes, we are...but let us remind you again, aren't allowed to ask anything, regarding of your past"Hearing Cassy's words she started to had second thoughts whether she'll broke the promise or not

But she can't just not ask when there's a main person who can help her memories be returned and have her questions be answered,


she can't answer, her main objective is to ask Cassy's husband about her past, but it seems that her mission will be failed, seeing how her friends are so over protective of her

'just what the hell happened in the past that everyone is so over protective of me?'

"I...I understand, I won't ask anything regarding of my past" she told the three, reassuring them...she knew that she needs to answer their Conditions, hearing her words everyone is quite pleased to hear it

Cassy enthusiastically stood up from her seat, as she wipe away the cream from her face "I'll go grab Paul, be right back and wait patiently!" Cassy exclaimed while quickly rushing towards outside to get pick up her future husband

And at the same time, a waitress went inside, holding a tray where her order was place "I have Miss Alicia's order" She smiled brightly as she took the tray from the waitress while thanking her

Walking back to her seat while settling her order in the table, but as she felt that her bestfriends are all looking at her weirdly

As she took a huge bite of the bread,she can't contain the happiness and the yummy bread that she just ate

But somehow, her friend's gazes started to make her feel uncomfortable, looking at her friend's in a worried look "Is there something wrong?" She ask her friends as she wipe the crumbs that was in her face

"Do you still love Cheese Bread?" The 2 ask her worriedly, making her feel confuse in their words "Still? Do I like Cheese bread in the past?"she ask the two while taking a sip of Iced Tea

" do....but only in the University that you started to love eating it"Catherine muttered but she can hear it clearly

"Really? Do I hate eating this in the past?"she asked again, she hates taking advantages of her friend's like this,but she must if she wants to have some answers on her neverending questions

"Yes you do, but because of something...that eventually led you to like it.....but we thought that you hated it because you've lost your memories,it seems that your tongue remembered it well"Catherine told her

Catherine Castro, a Doctor who has her own Hospital, along with her, she's also rank as the richest woman in the whole world

"I see.... But I always have loved Cheese bread...I don't why? But I felt very weird when I eat it, I felt nice"the two couldn't believe their ears on what she just said and was paired in a smile

They knew that who is the reason why she likes cheese bread, and he's the reason why they want her to forget her memories


"I'm back!!! And also, I've brought Paul!!!" The atmosphere suddenly brighten when Cassy came back

Alicia looked at the door, only to see a man taller than everyone in the room, and she felt as if that she knows him

"What's with the atmosphere? And also-" Cassy couldn't finish her words as she saw the bread that Alicia had ordered

"Ehh??? You still loved Cheese Bread!!!" Cassy couldn't contain her happiness seeing her in the table and Infront of her is the bread that she used to love in the past

"And anyways,Ali, Baby....I know that you two had met in the past but because of your memory loss that you can't remember him at all, anyways...this is Paul Hawkins, my future Husband"Cassy introduced,

She stood up from her seat and gave Paul a smile, her best friend's future husband "It's a pleasure on meeting you Mr. Paul, and I hope that we'll be good friends in the future"she told him as he could only smile

"The pleasures all mine, and besides call me Paul, like you always did in the past"he told her as she blink her eyes at his sudden words

"I understand...Paul"she said as she smiled brightly, looking at the sudden reunion, the girl's couldn't hide their smile

"It's sad that you can't remember me but I felt contented that we're able to meet again"He told her as she could only look at him intensely

"But...can I ask one thing?" She asked him, "Sure what is it?" He asked him enthusiastically but before she can utter a word, Paul decided to tell her something

"If it's about your memories, then I can't answer to that.... "He suddenly said making her feel off guard


"There are memories that are meant for it to be forgotten, even if it will hurt those who can remember, just please don't ask anymore because everyone is doing this for your own good"He explained to her as she could only sighed and frowned later on

There's only one thing she wanted, is for her to remember her past but her friend's aren't allowed for her to do so....


"Hey! Adrian!!!"

He stopped in his tracks, after hearing his best friend's words.... Looking at a certain direction to see two of his friends waiting for him patiently

He walked to them while dragging his luggage towards the two, "Yo, Liam and Aaron" he uttered as Liam then took his luggage from his hand

"How's the flight?"

"The same as always, and where's Paul? shouldn't he be here?picking me up?"he asked his two friend's who's started to act weird

"He's just meeting with Cassy, you know how mushy those two are and-"

"So,he intends to put her in priority rather than his Bestfriend who had just arrived in his hometown?" He felt betrayed on his friend's actions

"You Cassy is important to him and-"

"Is their meeting really that important?"he cutted Aaron off again in his words, Aaron, who only looks at Liam with pleading eyes to help Adrian be calm down

"Look Adrian...Paul will be coming to see you after he is done meeting with Cassy"Liam calmly explained to him only resulting for him to sighed loudly

"Don't they meet everyday?"

"They do, but they have an important meet up with someone" hearing his friend's words, he realized who will he meet today, at this time

"I see.... he's finally meeting with his childhood friend" as he said those words he then frowned

Making his two friend's suddenly felt pity for him


"No,no... there's no need to explain, she wouldn't even remember me anyways"he told the two as he walked towards the car that Liam drove to pick him up

The two guys only followed him, and they even pitied him more than ever.....

"Aren't you just gonna see her just this once?"Aaron asked him as soon as they entered the car,

"If I do that, then I've broke my promise towards her family"He only muttered but enough for the guys to here

"And besides.... I'm only here for Paul's wedding and after that, I'll go back to Canada....away from her life forever"He added again as his two friend's only sighed loudly

Taking a glimpse of his face, who's only looking at the rainy scenery outside of the car

'Even the weather is comforting me'

He thought while sadly looking at the raindrops that kept falling from the sky,

"I Missed Her..... Truly...."

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