

“Stop it.”

“Will you marry me?” Now he’s speaking more loudly. A couple at the next table look over and smile.

“Shh!” I say irritably. “It’s not funny.”

To my utter shock, he gets out of his seat, kneels down, and clasps his hands. I can see other diners turning to watch.

My heart is pounding. No way. No way.

“Charlotte Graveney,” he begins, swaying slightly. “I’ve spent fifteen years chasing pale imitations of you, and now I’m back here with the original I should never have let go. My life has been darkness without you and now I want to switch on the light. Will you do me the honor of marrying me? Please?”

A weird sensation is stealing over me. I feel as if I’m turning into cotton wool.

He’s proposing. He’s actually proposing. For real. “You’re drunk,” I parry.

“Not that drunk. Will you marry me?” he repeats.

“But I don’t know you anymore!” I give a half laugh. “I don’t know what you do for a living, I don’t know where you live, I don’t know what you want in life


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