
Chapter 5 - Reese

I contently sighed, stretching out a satisfied smile on my lips. I can’t remember the last time a man made me orgasm, a pretty damn sad realization. Though that’s on them since, obviously, some men can. 

Who would have thought Don would be so damn good in bed? He’s a far cry from the men I’ve been with in the past. But maybe that’s the point. I was going for the social norm of ‘handsome’ and ‘fit’ and coming up short, pun intended. Yet here’s Don, who most wouldn’t call handsome or fit, but that man is packing and knows how to use it.

And on that line of thinking, I’m hoping I have another condom, or maybe he does cause some morning sex sounds good right about now. I frowned as I blindly reached to the other side of the bed to find it empty. 

A flashback of waking up alone, the guy I’d brought home leaving as soon as I was asleep, makes my heart tense. Then I remember I’m at his place. He can’t have just ditched me. So logically, he must be somewhere in the house. 

Slowly my heart relaxed, the pain of one-night stands past fading as I threw back the blankets to find something to wear. All my clothes were downstairs, where he stripped me. So I hope he doesn’t me borrowing his clothes. 

I managed to find some basketball shorts that could fit. Given that they are designed longer, they do my legs well. I grabbed a baggy worn gray tee that had the faded lettering Texas Longhorns with the crest of what I assume is his university, the University of Texas. It was a little snug, but that’s fine. If things go the way I want, I won’t be wearing it long.

With that thought in mind, I started heading downstairs to find Don. I froze on the landing as I heard raised voices, both very familiar. Oh fuck. Why is my mother here? How the hell did she even know I was here? 

“Look, lady, I don’t know or care who you are. If you lost your kid, you should report it to the police. But I can assure you no one under twenty-one is in my house. So get lost.” Don sounded equal parts annoyed and exasperated.

“Don’t you lie to me, you low life! I know my daughter is here. I tracked her phone to this address.” My mother’s haughty Boston accent scoffed.

I slap my forehead. I can’t believe this woman. Did she put a tracking app on my phone? Who the fuck does that? I rushed down the rest of the stairs to get this over with and face her. She tried to push past Don’s arm the moment she saw me, preventing her from entering.

“See, I told you. I knew you had my daughter here. Reese, darling, let’s go. Get your clothes on, and I’ll take you far from this dilapidated shack that should be condemned.” Mother cast a disgusted gaze at the house and Don as she again tried to push past him.

“Mother…” I groaned, wanting a hole to open under me so I could fall into it rather than stand her dying of embarrassment.

Don arched an eyebrow looking back at me before looking at my mother in confusion. I get it. I don’t look like her, well, all but my eyes. I got her icy blue eyes that the Frost family is known for. The eyes that are as cold as our name.

“Listen, lady. I don’t give a shit if you are Reese’s mother. You aren’t coming into my house. Reese is an adult here of her own free will. She came here because she wanted to, and Reese is only leaving when she wants. You don’t have any authority over her.” Don firmly stated, starting to close the door.

“How dare you!” Mother gasped, shoving her foot to stop him from shutting the door.

“Reese Hazel Nikolaidis Frost, we are leaving. Do as I said so we can leave this crude man and his filthy home.” Mother demanded using my full name, though she likes to add Frost to my name even if it’s not legally there.

“You’re a pushy bitch. This is your last warning. You get off my property, or I call the cops. I’ve told you to leave, and you keep trying to force your way in. That’s called trespassing. As a lawyer, you should know that it’s a crime.” Don once more tried to force her to leave.

I’ve never seen anyone stand up to her like this. I like it. It’s hot as hell. And he gave me the proper leverage I needed to shut her down. If there is one thing my mother cares about, it’s her reputation and that of the firm. I need to remind her of that. 

“Mother, go. He’s serious and has grounds to make that call. Do you want to have an arrest go on your record or for it to get out into the community the police were called on you for trying to force your way into a private residence? Imagine the damage to your reputation, not to mention the firms.” I pointed out, coming a little closer.

Mother huffed, narrowing her icy eyes at Don. And honestly, if she had a superpower, he’d be an ice cube. I’m giving Don serious points. He’s not withering under her gaze. Yeah, she needs to leave because the desire for morning sex is becoming something of a need. Don standing up to my mother is seriously hot.

“I will meet you at your apartment in one hour. Do not be late, Reese.” Mother huffed before storming out.

I winced as I hurried to peer out the door as her heel crunched through one of the bad spots on the stairs. I could hear her grumbling about getting the house condemned as she yanked her heel out of the stair and stormed back to her Bently. She fishtailed a little on the snowy driveway and sped out of the driveway.

“That woman is a menace. Does she know her picture is in the urban dictionary next to the word ‘Karen’?” Don shook his head, closing the door. 

“I am sorry about her. She’s…” I shrugged, not even sure how to describe my mother.

“A psycho bitch helicopter parent who doesn’t realize the umbilical cord is long ago cut?” Don arched his brow, turning to me.

“Um… yeah, something like that. I take it you’ve seen Mother’s type before?” I nodded awkwardly. 

“Only at parent-teacher conferences or when I get hate mail and calls because I gave a kid a bad grade. Not my fault that their kid thought shop class would be an easy A. Don’t think I’ve put up with a parent like that from a girl I’ve slept with since I was in high school.” He shrugged.

“Yeah… again, I’m sorry. I didn’t even know Mother put a GPS tracker on my phone. And I’m even more sorry that she tried to force her way in and trash-talking you and your house. But…” I sighed.

“But?” Don folded his arms, waiting for the rest.

“But it was sexy as fuck how you handled her. And while I already wanted morning sex, that’s gone from a want to a need.” I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck, leaning down, and stealing a kiss.

For a moment, he didn’t respond. I worried Mother’s elitist attitude had turned him off. But quickly enough, he started kissing back. We both laughed as we stumbled away from the door. I don’t know where we are going, but I also don’t care. As long as it involved Don and him touching me, I’m in. 

We managed not to break our necks as we went into the sitting room, landing on the sofa this time. As I looked up at Don, I was panting, breathless from the kiss. Fuck, I don’t think anyone has looked at me the way he is. I could get used to having a man look at me like this.

“You are so fucking gorgeous, Reese. And while I love the way you fill out my university shirt, it needs to go.” Don smirked as his hands trailed up my sides, pushing the shirt over my breast.

I didn’t have time for a witty reply. The moment my breasts were exposed, Don’s mouth was on them. He was devouring them like he was starving. 

“Oh fuck…” I moaned, trying to shimmy out of the shorts and remove the ones he was wearing.

Too many layers. They all need to go, like now. Thankfully Don was on the same page as he helped remove his shorts. It was a bit of a blur after that. It was a quickie, but it was a hot quickie. I smiled against his lips as he kissed me again.

“Want breakfast? I came downstairs to make some latkes salmon benedicts. Then I realized I don’t know if you like poached eggs or salmon and was going upstairs to confirm.” He adorably confessed.

I laughed softly, smiling at him, running a hand over his head. This man is officially the sweetened guy I’ve hooked up with. No one thought to make my breakfast, even assholes like Trevor I lived with. 

“You are the most adorable and sweet man I’ve slept with. Most guys wouldn’t think to make breakfast let alone ask what I like. And I love salmon, and I enjoy a good poached egg. I can’t poach an egg to save my life, but if you can, more power to you, handsome.” I smiled.

“Those men suck. Let’s get dressed since hot oil and nudity don’t mix. I’ll teach you how to poach an egg.” Don winked as he moved to get dressed again. 

“Oh, teach me your ways, Obi-Don.” I chuckled as I put on my clothes from last night. 

“Oh boy, you’re a geek like your cousin. Good thing it’s cuter on you.” Don rolled his eyes but smiled as he led the way through the under-construction dining room and pantry to the kitchen. 

Just like his bedroom and sitting room, the kitchen kept to the era of the house, with modern appliances that still looked great in the space. He tried to show me how to poach an egg. After I ruined my fourth egg, I stepped back and sipped some orange juice watching him cook instead. Breakfast was delicious. Too bad our time had to end.

“I should get home. I need a shower and to put on clean clothes.” I sighed, looking at the time. I left out that I needed to get home to deal with my mother, who would be livid that I was an hour past her deadline.

“No worries. I’ll drive you. Just let me throw on some jeans.” Don smiled, rushing upstairs before I could say I’d call an uber. 

But he was back and ready to go in a flash. Yeah, this guy is super sweet. He even walked me up to my door. I just prayed my mother didn’t open my door to find us together. 

“Thanks for last night and this morning. I had a wonderful time.” I smiled.

“Me too. Maybe we could do it again soon.” He suggested.

“Of course. Um here…” I took his phone out of his pocket and smirked as I typed in my number, sending myself a text. “Now you have my number, and I have yours. Bye Don.” I smiled, giving him a quick kiss and his phone back.

“Bye, Reese.” Don smiled, licking his lips as he walked away.

I sighed, leaning on my door. Wow. I didn’t expect last night to go that way, but I am glad my cousins invited me to the waterfront. My happiness was destroyed as I saw my mother and her oh-so-familiar look of disappointment glaring at me from my sofa.

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WOW Nice super

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