


My apron was tangled up in a knot behind my back and no matter how I tried to pick it apart I only made it tighter. If I kept going like this it was going to cut me in half.

I left my office and marched out down the hall to the front part of Ascension. It was eight thirty on a Saturday night and we were decently busy. I spotted Janie behind the bar mixing some drinks and walked over to her. After she handed the customers their glasses of whiskey she turned to me with her hands on her hips.

I turned around and put my back to her, then hooked a thumb over my shoulder to point at the knot in the middle of my back. “Help.”

Janie giggled. “How on earth did you manage that?”

“I have no idea but it’s so tight I’m going to lose circulation in my legs.”

Janie stooped over and began picking at the thick knot. It took a good three minutes before she started to make any progress. “I can’t figure out how this happened.”

“It’s not the first time.”

“Or the hundredth.”

That was true. I had an
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