
Long Time Coming


Benji took a left turn. “Sometimes. Sometimes, I think it’s good for both of you. I know how things have been for you for the last six months. And I’ve met the other guys Laina has dated in the past. I keep trying to tell myself you might be good for each other. But don’t get me wrong, it’s still fucking weird.”

I laughed. This was more than a little uncomfortable. “If you don’t want me to—”

Benji shook his head. “No. It’s not my place to tell either of you what to do. Just… don’t fuck her over, okay? She’s a good girl with a heart of gold, and I can’t stand by and let her get hurt. And I don’t want to have to step in. You get what I’m saying?”

I nodded. “Yeah. I get it.” In other words, he was saying he’d be forced to do something about it if I hurt his sister.

We talked about anything but Laina for the rest of the drive back to my place. The race, the new car, how much I wished I had my Fastback, Mark Denning, Sid, an
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