
Tasting Him


As soon as Benji relinquished his grip on my hair my lips curled in a smile. I gave his lap one last roll of my hips before dropping to a crouch between his legs, looking back at him over my shoulder, and straightening my legs slowly. I maintained my bent-over position, giving him a good view of my ass and the thin strip of fabric that covered my lady bits.

It had been a long time since I put on a show like this.

I’d ball park it at about three years.

Sure, I’d had some fun with some of my girls up here after closing on the occasional Friday or Saturday night when we had the whole place to ourselves, but it was a completely different thing when there was a man in the room. Especially a man who made you feel all hot and bothered every time he turned his brilliant green eyes on you.

Benji was something special. I felt like a fool for thinking it, but I thought it anyway. He was kind and attentive and not at all self-involved like all the men I’d been with before. Every conversat
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