
Chapter 24

“What if she ask you to give Ulie to her, will you give her what she wants?”

My forehead furrowed. “Why are you asking me these kind of questions? Did something happen?”

He shrugged. “Nothing. I was just curious. The Adelson didn’t do anything when the Escarrer cancel the marriage that they have agreed on.”

He has a point, even I, myself were quite surprise when the Adelson didn’t made any move nor reaction on Escarrer’s sudden decision.

“What do you think?” He asked me.

I heaved a sighed. “I’m don’t know. I don’t know them personally, I

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goodnovel comment avatar
Jideofor Ifeanyi
she is the heiress to adelson not was "was" is past tense like she was before but not anymore which is not the case here

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