

"But you are right Chloe. I shouldn't have done that. It was stupid," he acknowledged harshly. "I didn't mean to be that.... Look, let's just forg—"

He broke off as his mobile began to vibrate against his hip. "Excuse me." He took the phone from his pocket to take the call and turned away from her. Chloe didn't know which of them she was most angry with. Herself for having responded to Timothy in the way she had. Or Timothy for the way he had so readily agreed their behaviour had been stupid.

The latter, probably…

"Tell her I will call her when I have the time," Timothy said decisively into his mobile, even as he kept his coldly dark gaze fixed steadily on Chloe. "I don't give a damn what she wants, Grant; you can tell her I will call her when I'm good and ready! And tell my dad to stop worrying too. He's been calling so much that I don't even pick up any more. Tell him everything is going well.... "

Her? Don't give a damn what she wants? I will call her when I'm good and ready… Chloe
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