

I look up to his face and didn't say a word, I just kept staring at him.

" Or would you like me to bath you? He asked and I stare at him.

I stood staring at him with tears dripping down my face.

" I don’t want to bath here, I just want to go, please let me go" I said.

He look at me and pick me up, he took me to the bathroom, he wants to undress me and I didn't let him do that.

" You have fifteen minutes to take your bath" he said.

I wanted to shut the door and he said I shouldn't shut the door because he doesn't want me to collapse again.

“What a caring man? He isn’t so hard like I thought but I have learn not to trust anyone and he is absolutely one of those I will never trust” I said to myself.

It’s not like I have where to run back to but I just felt I will find a friend to put up with if I wasn’t sold to him.

I undress and took my bath, I walk out of the bathroom naked with my hand on my boobs and my under.

He already had one t shirt in his hand for me to wear.

He gave the T-shirt to me to wear.

" Wear this, I have ask one of the maids to help you get some clothes but for now you can wear mine" he said.

I took the shirt from him and kept staring at him.

The reason I never stop staring at him is me being naked in his presence and he still didn't mess up with me instead he choose to be caring.

Although all his cares doesn't mean I still do not want to escape from him, I want to go away from him, I want freedom for both me and my child.

After I had finish dressing up , I stood in his presence crying while he was sitting on the edge of my bed

" Please let me go" I said.

He pull me closer and place me on his laps.

"Just calm down, I won't hurt you most especially that you are pregnant, you need a proper care at this period, let me care for you and your baby during this period" he said softly and I look into his eyes with tears dripping down my face.

He help me dry my face with his fingers.

" Crying isn't good for you at this period" he said.

" You need some food and some rest, let's go and eat and I guess the baby must be hungry" he tried cracking a joke.

He held my hand and we walk through the stairs, it’s not like I want to be obedient to him but I have a plan to still run away from him.

When we got down the stairs, he walk me to the dinning.

He pulls out the chair for me to sit.

I sat down and there were just too much of foods.

I don't feel like eating any of the food because those foods makes wants me to throw up.

" You don't like the food? He asked.

" I like it" I said.

" I think you should eat because you need to take some medications" he said.


I watch how she stare at the food and she began to puke.

“ Are you alright? I asked and she just stare at me.

I knew from the way she stares at me that she isn’t feeling too fine yet but I just wanted her to eat something so that she can take her medications.

It’s not like I am happy that I bought a pregnant girl because she is frustrating me and making me dedicate all of my time to her.

I am not happy that I can’t have her under me but what can I do? I just have no other choice than to accept her with her baby.

She quickly climbed the stairs and I followed her and she rush into her bathroom and throw up.

I followed her into the bathroom and she was still throwing up.

" Are you alright? I asked and she nods her head.

I place my hand on her back until she was done.

She washes off her mouth and I could see she has no stamina, I just pick her up and take her to the bed to lay down.

I tuck her under the duvet and sit beside her.

“ Would you still like to eat something? You can name anything and I will help you get it” I said.

She shakes her head to say no instead she was shivering.

I quickly turn off the A/ C and turn on the heater, she was still shivering and I quickly lie beside he and pull her into my warmth maybe this will help and little by little her shivering stops and slowly she drifted into sleep.

I slowly got up beside her and pick my phone, I call the doctor and explain what was happening to her and he said it’s because her pregnancy is still in the early stage.

I asked him to prescribe some drugs for her which he did.

I asked one of my maid to help me get the medications while I went to my office.

I couldn’t concentrate on what I was doing because of how she has been feeling since we came in then I think back to she saying she was sold by her stepson and her fiancée.

“ How can people be this cruel? A woman carrying his baby? I said.

Then I imagine what it is to be a first time father even though I have always been scared of being a father , I use to say I will never father a child because I am not sure if I will ever be a good father but here I am caring for a pregnant girl that I bought.

I stood up and walk to her room and she was still sleeping.

I place my hand on her cheek and stare at the innocent face sleeping peacefully and I use my hand to trace the stain of tears on her face and I felt pity for her.

Slowly everything I had plan to do to her when I set my eyes on her at the Auction began to flow back into my head.

I want her badly under me but I do not want to do anything stupid now especially in her condition.

I quickly walk out of the room because I realized I was beginning to get hard for her again.

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