

At the back of the class, some groups of mischievous students decide to interrupt the class. They have been initially warned by the professor to stop with all their nose making. The noise actually continued from the back and it was quite disturbing for the professor. He then decided to make an example of one of the students that were making noise.

Professor: you over there, can you stand up

There was a large confusion as most of the students didnt actually get to understand what was going on.

Professor: you over there, you with the hoodie and brown hair.

Student: Yes sir

Professor: can you define a hybrid for me??

Student: a hybrid is a ... ummm.. He tries but he just stammers and mutters some certain words that absolutely makes no sense.

Professor: What's your name

Student: Patrick Kent

Professor: don't worry about your CA for this semester, you've gotten nil

Patrick: I'm very sorry sir

Professor: this should serve as a lesson for you students. When I call for a quiet class, I actually mean a quiet class.

Patrick: im very sorry sir.

Professor: I would only get to reverse it, if Zendaya won't mind actually defining what a hybrid is. You have a problem with that Zendaya?

Patrick: please Zendaya, as he uses sign language to ask for her forgiveness

Zendaya: no problem sir, I don't have any issues with it.

Hybrids are a cross-breed of two or more different supernatural species. The term is commonly used to describe a werewolf turned into a vampire due to the fact that they were the first supernatural hybrid to be introduced. However, since the werewolf-vampire hybrid's creation, there have been other cross-breed hybrids revealed in the universe, such as Siphoner turned witch-vampire hybrids, werewolf-witch hybrids, and, in the unique case of Hope Mikaelson, a witch-werewolf-vampire tribrid.

Hybrids possess both the strengths and some of the weaknesses of their parent races, along with powerful attributes unique to themselves alone due to their combined heritage. For werewolf-vampire hybrids, this and being able to transform into a wolf without the Full Moon's influence. For siphoner-vampire hybrids, they retain their ability to siphon magic and their own vampirism as a power source for their use in witchcraft; as they did not possess their own magic as humans, this is a skill that makes them powerful. Half-vampire...half-Lycan. But stronger than both. A hybrid is deadlier than any werewolf or vampire.

Werewolf-Vampire Hybrids are the mixture of a vampire and a werewolf. They possess the powers of both species, making them twice as powerful. Hybrids are supernatural cross breed between vampires and werewolves. Hybrids posses both the strengths and some of the weaknesses of their parent species, along with powerful attributes unique to themselves alone due to their combined heritage. This includes Day Walking and being able to transform into a wolf without the moons influence.

Original Hybrids

Original hybrids have a all the same strengths except they exert them at a very much higher level.

They do suffer from the same weaknesses but Original Hybrids are Immortal. The only of their kind that lives forever and is impossible to kill. To this day there is no known way to kill an original hybrid.

Professor: thank you so much. you can continue from where you stopped.

Zendaya: now about the weaknesses and strengths of Hybrids: I

Super Speed: A non-Original werewolf-vampire hybrid's intensified quickness, agility, reflexes, and endurance makes them faster than any werewolves, evolved werewolves, non-Original vampires, supernatural hunters, immortals and humans. Non-Original werewolf-vampire hybrids can use this ability in human or werewolf form. As with strength, non-Original werewolf-vampire hybrids get faster, more wise, and more combat experienced with time. The full moon will increase their physical power and will even further

Super Agility: Non-Original werewolf-vampire hybrids possess a more degree of superhuman stamina, flexibility, reflexes, agility and dexterity. They can move, jump, climb, and run incredibly fast without difficulty or exhaustion, even in their human form.

Super Senses: Non-Original werewolf-vampire hybrids have extremely keen senses of hearing, sight, touch, and smell. Since they're a supernatural crossbreed between werewolves and non-Original vampires, non-Original werewolf-vampire hybrids have the combined senses of both species thus making their ability extremely effective,

Super Durability: Non-Original werewolf-vampire hybrids can bear a lot of physical trauma. They are much more resistant to physical injuries . Non-Original werewolf-vampire hybrids can take far more trauma than any non-Original vampires, werewolves, evolved werewolves and humans. Stakes and arrows can not kill a non-Original werewolf-vampire hybrid when they are struck in the heart, they merely become unconscious, they are able to resist the bullets created by The Brotherhood better than non-Original vampires as Stefan said to Tyler, that if he was a normal vampire he would be dead.

Enhanced Accelerated Healing Factor: Non-original Hybrids have the combined healing capabilities of both non-original vampires and werewolves. This renders them practically invincible to anything but fatal wounds that can seriously impair their healing capabilities. Decapitation or heart-extraction. Hybrid's regenerative healing powers and abilities are far enhanced and much more potent. It surpasses normal vampires and werewolves and will allow them to quickly heal a lot quicker from wounds and giving them total invulnerability to common allergies like: siver and ultraviolet light. They can recover/heal/regenerate from any injury much quicker and more effectively than any non-original vampires, Werewolves and humans. Hybrids even have the capacity to heal from death, given their bodies are still intact and as long as their heart and head are intact. However, this advanced healing factor is useless in cases of dismemberment and extreme trauma. This could result in permanent impairment if an experienced supernatural healer is not consulted as soon as possible.

Immortality: Werewolf-vampire hybrids stop aging the moment they transition.

They become immune to all conventional diseases, toxins, poisons, viruses, illness, infections, and injuries.

Emotional Control: Due to their vampire heritage, werewolf-vampire hybrids are able to exert certain control over their own emotions, e.g. They can turn off their humanity.

Enhanced Empathy: Because of their vampiric and werewolf traits, werewolf-vampire hybrids experience emotions more powerfully than humans and non-original vampires,original vampires. Particularly emotions such as anger, rage, aggression and violence can negatively affect a triggered werewolf and hybrids. This ability allows them to feel emotions at their peak at any time and even the ability to manipulate them in all species with humanity intact.

Lycanthrope Enhancement: Non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids are capable of using their werewolf features to further supplement their powers and abilities. Non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids can grow claws from their nails and werewolf fangs from their teeth even when they are still in their human forms. When Klaus was in Tyler's body, it was shown that a non-original werewolf-vampire hybrid's claws are sharp enough to penetrate a non-original werewolf-vampire hybrid's very durable skin. Also non-original werewolf-vampire hybrids can display both sets of vampire and werewolf fangs. Their eyes also change into those of their werewolf form, presumably granting them better eyesight. Due to their werewolf heritage, a non-original werewolf-vampire hybrid's strength and speed are heightened further during a full moon and at its peak in their werewolf forms.

Shapeshifting/Transformation Control: Due to their vampire side they can shapeshift. Non-original Hybrids have the ability to shapeshift/transform into their werewolf form at will and at anytime that they desire, compared to that of a normal Werewolf. They have complete awareness as a wolf, but they have no conscience or control of their actions in werewolf form. They can also perform partial transformations, manifesting single features of their werewolf forms. A non-original Hybrid can stay in Werewolf form longer than a normal Werewolf. A non-original hybrid can also transform partially, displaying their werewolf eyes and teeth.

Werewolf Bite: Due to their werewolf heritage, non-original Hybrids and Klaus have venom which is fatal to non-original vampires and they themselves are immune to werewolf venom. Hybrid venom seem to take effect much faster than a werewolf venom.

Telepathy: Non-Original werewolf-vampire hybrids have the ability, albeit a weak variant, to enter the minds of others as long as theirs is stronger than them. Normally, this ability works in a tactile fashion and the non-Original werewolf-vampire hybrid requires physical contact in order for it to work successfully. Hayley have also been shown sharing her memories with others. Like their physical attributes, their mental strength increases with age.

Dream Manipulation: Non-Original werewolf-vampire hybrids can control dreams and subconscious like non-Original vampires/original vampires. They can produce and modify dreams, bestow nightmares or lucid dreaming. Other effects of this ability is the distortion of reality and trapped in the dreams.

Illusions: Non-Original werewolf-vampire hybrids have the power to trick the minds of others into seeing/feeling things that aren't actually happening

Immunity to Silver: Due to their werewolf heritage, magic bonded to silver doesn't affect non-Original werewolf-vampire hybrids. Weapons made of silver might wound them, but the wound heals at super-normal rates than regular wounds.


Due to their combined natures, Hybrids are unaffected by sunlight, garlic, religious iconography, roses, or iconite.

Decapitation: The act of dismembering or removing the head of a non-original hybrid will result in an instant death.

Vervain: Non-original Hybrids are affected by vervain like their vampire counterparts. They can't compel anyone on vervain.

Wolfsbane: Non-original Hybrids are affected by wolfsbane like werewolves.

Magic: Witches are able to give supernatural aneurysms that cause the blood vessels of non-original hybrids to explode, it can also kill them as well.

Wooden Stakes: Stakes can hurt non-original hybrids and neutralize them but it won't kill them.

Desiccation: Because of their vampire side, hybrids can desiccate without blood.

Broken Neck: Breaking a hybrid's neck will results in the Hybrid's unconsciousness.

Physical Trauma: Minor physical injuries such as gunshots, stab wounds and broken bones will cause a hybrid pain and also slow them down. However, this is momentary as they will heal, completely within seconds. It seems physical trauma can give them pain and weaken them anywhere on the body (ex.eye gouging, drowning).

Desiccation: Being completely drained of blood or the heart stopping will cause a non-Original witch-vampire hybrid to desiccate due to their vampire side, losing most of it's strength and any ability to move. This process can be replicated artificially by magic.

Dismemberment - Dismemberment is a grisly process that involves hacking off the werewolf-vampire hybrid’s limbs, one by one, to prevent them from rising from the grave and attacking the living. Obviously, any werewolf-vampire hybrids is going to find it to be impossible to get up, wander around, and feed without its arms or legs. Ideally, this should be done with a sword or a woodsman’s axe.

Aconite - Werewolf-vampire hybrids are affected by wolfsbane like their werewolves counterparts.

Holy Ground - Because both vampires and werewolves share this weakness, werewolf-vampire hybrids are burned by holy ground.

Magic - Werewolf-vampire hybrids are susceptible to the powers of magic and can be harmed or killed by powerful magic.

Angels - Angels can kill them without difficulty.

Dawnbreaker - Forged in a holy light that breaks upon foes, burning away corruption and false life

Mortal wounds - Any mortal wounds will end a hybrids life, this includes, decapitation, the removal of the heart, or broken neck.

Invitation: Due to their vampire heritage, hybrids are unable to enter a home without an invitation.



Werewolf-vampire hybrids that have or haven’t triggered there curse they have a temper whenever sad, mad, or etc. there emotions are amplified due to being half vampire half werewolf.


Werewolf-vampire hybrids are supernaturally beautiful whenever they reach adult hood.

The time for the class is already up and it is time for another class and so Zendaya is unable to finish with her lectures.

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