
Prologue #2

*Jay Pov*

I stared at the coffee cup before me not touching it and then sighed. What was I thinking? Kidnapping? Really? Was I so desperate that I went that low?

I shook my head and closed my eyes. What I am doing now is the right thing to do. I can settle everything by taking some time slowly.

What is even there to hurry? I think the manager can take care of the company until I decide what to do with it.

I snorted thinking about it. It is not even my decision and all of it will belong to Manohar soon. At least I have something which I can say it is mine without going to be lost from me.

I heard the announcement of the flight I am supposed to take and stood up picking up my bag. Maybe I will never enter this city again where all the old memories are there.

When I was walking towards the security check, I suddenly turned to my right to see a familiar person sitting in one of the waiting chairs.

What is she doing here? I thought and shrugged before walking forward and turned casually to
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